Finding Jobs - paid and self employment
'Youth has no age' - Picasso
Since starting this website, we have discovered that the 'topicpages' of greatest interest to our users are those about jobs, paid and unpaid. So in addition to the 'topic pages' listed below (which set out a few ideas for earning a modest crust) we are compiling and updating information on specific jobs which may be of intreest to you. These are:
NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS WANTED. An aggegated and updated list of advertised jobs for nonexecutive directors.
TRUSTEES WANTED. An aggregated list.
VOLUNTEER ROLES OF THE MONTH. In partnership with Reach Skilled Volunteers, we are publishing a list of opportunities for you
to share your wisdom and experience with your community.
A COMPENDIUM OF WEBSITES RELEVANT TO OVER 50s who are interested to make us of their skills and experience.
For unpaid jobs, see also 'Volunteering' in our section on 'Giving Back'.
In our topic page on 'Jobs on Offer' we list some websites which may be of interest, including both paid jobs and voluntary work.
Other websites relevant to retirees interested in jobs include:
Direct Gov's website on 'Public Services all in one place' has a section of tips on looking for work when you retire
see http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Jobseekers/LookingForWork/index.htm
Retired for Hire www.retired4hire.co.uk for retired professionals interested in occasional employment
For a comprehensive factsheet aimed at people over 50 who are looking for work (including voluntary work) or starting their own
business see: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/work-and-learning/looking-for-work/
'Your Encore' puts retired scientists and engineers together with companies who would like to use the retirees expertise in order to
accelerate innovation ‘ See http://www.yourencore.com/
See also www.skilledpeople.com which connects small businesses needing work done with experienced people who can do it. The
site lists full-time, part -time and project jobs and is aimed at the over 50s.
See an article on ' The Rise of Olderpreneurs' including a link to a company formation website.
Did you know that half the jobs created in UK last year were filled by people above state pension age?