Frequently Asked Questions
Q What shall I write about ?
A Here are some suggestions:
Commenting on existing topic pages
If you don’t agree with any of the statements or opinions in the existing topic pages then please write your views and corrections in the ‘Make a contribution’ box. If there are other things you want to add to the existing content, let’s have those also. The objective is that the content of a topic page should be instructive to the newcomer to a subject and interesting to the expert, so please don’t restrain yourself!
Compiling new topic pages.
The subjects currently covered by existing topic pages are just some of the possible areas of interest to the over 50s. The ‘menu’ at the start of each section of the website lists a number of subjects but only some of these subjects have topic pages attached. We would welcome your drafts for new topic pages on these subjects or on other subjects not yet included in the list.
In drafting a topic page, the objective is not to write the definitive text on the subject but to write a brief introduction or overview (reasonably brief, pithy and readable) and then to act as an aggregator of the best of the relevant information which is available on the internet, quoting their web site addresses. There is an immense amount available on the internet yet even the best algorithmic search engines are not able to assess the quality of the entry, or its appropriateness to the over 50s audience. That is what we are trying to do in the content of a topic page.
We would welcome some ‘blogs’ or occasional diaries which record your progress, faltering or otherwise, in areas which are likely to be of interest to other ‘over 50s
For instance:
Diary of a newcomer to digital photography, how to choose the kit and how to use it.
Diary of a gardener, whether of a really small London garden or landed acres.
Diary of a painter, water colour, oils or whatever..
Diary of a genealogist, outlining the process and progress in tracking roots
Diary of a newcomer to voluntary work
If it is of interest to you then it is likely also to be of interest to at least some of your contemporaries - let’s hear your views and suggestions!
Q Much of the specialized local information in the ‘fact sheets’ relates to London. What about other localities?
A We plan to add information relevant to other locations - much of it will come from contributions from our users. Please give us information relevant to your locality by using the ‘add a contribution’ site.
As you can see, we have not had many questions yet, but that will no doubt change!
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