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WANTED: Non Executive Directors and Trustees

Non executive Director ('NED'), Trustees and part time posts - listed by order of closing date for applications.

Volunteer and unpaid posts are marked (V), although most will provide reasonable expenses and subsistence.




If you would like to include an NED or Trustee role in the list below, please contact


We include a 'date posted' column so that it is easier for you to check whether changes have been made since you last visited this page.

Where a closing date is not available ('NA') entries are normally removed after 3 months.  

You’ll find expanded details of all these opportunities and more on our partner site:

- Do have a look!
Position Location Date Closes Date Posted Link
School Holiday Volunteers - Nova New Opportunities (V) London 23/2/25 9/1/25 more
Independent Committee Members - Scope (V) Remote 23/2/25 22/1/25 more
Campaigner (Wales)The MS Society(V) Remote 23/2/25 8/1/25 more
Quantum Strategic Advisory Board Member - EOI Various 24/2/25 4/2/25 more
Chair of HMPPS Professional Standards External Advisory Board Various 24/2/25 2/2/25 more
Director of Development and Investment - Broadacres North Yorkshire 24/2/25 24/1/25 more
Chair of the Health Research Authority Various 25/2/25 22/1/25 more
Chair, Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) Various 25/2/25 22/1/25 more
Online Lister Volunteer (Homestore)British Heart Foundation Retail  (V) London 25/2/25 7/1/25 more
Trustee – Major Capital Developments, Wonderseekers (V) Winchester, Hampshire 25/2/25 8/1/25 more
Chair of Audit & Risk Committee Beyond Housing North East 27/2/25 6/2/25 more
NED Board Member for Beyond Housing North East 27/2/25 6/2/25 more
Bookkeeping /Financial Recordkeeping Support Role - The Jawbone Collective CIC (V) Remote 27/2/25 24/1/25 more
3 Non-Executive Directors (including Treasury Committee Chair) Various 27/2/25 1/2/25 more
British Museum Trustees x 4 London 27/2/25 28/1/25 more
Trustee for The English Association  (V) Remote 28/2/25 28/1/25 more
Trustee - Men Walk Tall (V) Littlehampton 28/2/25 8/1/25 more
Members x7 of HMPPS Professional Standards External Advisory Board Various 28/2/25 5/2/25 more
Honorary Treasurer – Chile for Christ Trust (V) Remote 28/2/25 11/1/25 more
Chiltern Society TrusteeThe Chiltern Society (V) Chesham 28/2/25 28/1/25 more
Volunteer at Warrington Coroner’s Court – The Coroners’ Courts Support Service (V) Warrington 28/2/25 14/1/25 more
Head of Marketing & Communications (Volunteer) Future FoundHERs (V) Remote 28/2/25 2/2/25 more
Volunteer at Stoke on Trent Coroner's CourtThe Coroners' Courts Support Service (V) Stoke-on-Trent 28/2/25 14/1/25 more
Independent Non-Executive DirectorThe King's Foundation
Scotland 28/2/25 2/2/25 more
Volunteer at Liverpool Coroner's Court - The Coroners' Courts Support Service (V) Liverpool 28/2/25 14/1/25 more
Trustee for Play to the Crowd (V) Winchester 1/3/25 1/2/25 more
Volunteer Receptionist for Solace  (V) Camden Town 1/3/25 1/2/25 more
Trustees - Florence Nightingale Foundation  (V) London/Hybrid 1/3/25 14/1/25 more
Chair of TrusteesKempton Great Engines Trust  (V) Feltham, Greater London/Hybrid 2/3/25 17/1/25 more
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) Member Various 2/3/25 22/1/25 more
External Trustee - Inclusive Boards (V) Bristol 2/3/25 3/2/25 more
Trustee - Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Greater London/Hybrid 3/3/25 17/1/25 more
Chair - Read Easy UKTrustees Unlimited  (V) Gloucestershire (Hybrid) 3/3/25 3/2/25 more
Member of the Domestic Homicide Review Quality Assurance Board Various 3/3/25 22/1/25 more
Treasurer and Trustees for the Neighbourhood Watch Network  (V) Vauxhall 3/3/25 3/2/25 more
Volunteers for New Community Food Waste Centre At New Covent Garden Market, Posted by City Harvest  (V) Nine Elms, Greater London (On-site) 3/3/25 17/1/25 more
Helpline VolunteerWe Stand -Formally Mosac  (V) London/Hybrid 4/3/25 15/1/25 more
Head of Policy - Transport Focus London or Manchester 4/3/25 11/2/25 more
Trustee (Fund-Raising & Comms) - Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability  (V) Remote 4/3/25 4/2/5 more
Family Procedure Rule Committee – Lay Member London 5/3/25 5/2/25 more
HR Advisor - Pregnant Then Screwed  (V) Remote 5/3/25 16/1/25 more
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) Member Various 5/3/25 25/1/25 more
Young People's Mentor - London Borough of Havering - Early Help  (V) Greater London 5/3/25 21/1/25 more
Group Coordinator (London Borough of Sutton)The MS Society  (V) London 6/3/25 6/2/25 more
NED for Lloyds Banking Group Hybrid 7/3/25 7/2/25 more
Trustees - School of Sexuality Education (V) Remote 8/4/25 22/2/25 more
Quality and Safeguarding Officer – federated charity Various 9/3/25 9/2/25 more
Trustee (Care Specialist) - Rockdale Housing Association
Sevenoaks 9/3/25 11/2/25 more
Independent TrusteeThe National Football Trust  (V) Wembley (On-Site) 9/3/25 15/2/25 more
Head of Housing for Simply Affordable Homes - Permanent London 10/3/25 10/2/25 more
Chair of Police Advisory Board For England and Wales Various 10/3/25 6/2/25 more
Outside In (Pallant House Gallery ) - Director Chichester 10/3/25 10/2/25 more
Arts and Wellbeing Volunteer - Sense (V) Selly Oak (West Midlands) 10/2/25 24/1/25 more
Head of Property Services - Hexagon Housing Association South East London | Hybrid 10/3/25 10/2/25 more
Board member – Salvation Army Homes Flexible 11/3/25 13/2/25 more
Cricket Builds Hope - Chair (V) Rwanda 11/3/25 11/2/25 more
Retail Volunteer (Pershore) - Acorns Children's Hospice (V) Worcestershire 11/3/25 11/2/25 more
TrusteesFaces & Voices of Recovery UK (V) Remote 11/3/25 24/1/25 more
NED Board member - Salvation Army Homes Flexible 11/3/25 22/2/25 more
Listening VolunteerThe Listening Place (V) Hammersmith 11/3/25 25/1/25 more
Trustee for Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (V) Lancaster 11/3/25 25/1/25 more
Members of the Connexional Council – The Methodist Church  (V) Remote 12/3/25 13/2/25 more
Independent member, Senior Management Remuneration Committee - The National Trust  (V) Remote 12/3/25 12/2/25 more
TrusteeGrassroots Suicide Prevention  (V) Remote 12/3/25 25/1/25 more
Garden VolunteerBluebell Wood Children's Hospice (V) Sheffield 12/3/25 25/1/25 more
Trustees for National Park City (V) London/Hybrid 12/3/25 12/1/25 more
Variety, the Children’s Charity -
Chair of Trustees (V)
London 13/3/25 3/2/25 more
Digital BuddyLink - Age Southwark  (V) London 13/3/25 27/1/25 more
Trustee for the Donor Conception Network (V) London/Hybrid 14/3/25 1/2/25 more
University of Edinburgh – Court Members Edinburgh 14/3/25 14/2/25 more
Non-executive directors on the board of the Office for Students. Various 14/3/25 6/2/25 more
Members of the Connexional CouncilThe Methodist Church
Remote 14/3/25 13/2/25 more
Family Business UK - HR Director (part-time) London - Nationwide 14/3/25 14/2/25 more
Secretary to the Board of Trustees - Been There  (V) Various/Hybrid 15/3/25 11/2/25 more
Independent Prevent Commissioner Various 17/3/25 13/2/25 more
Commissioner for Countering Extremism Home Office 17/3/25 11/2/25 more
Chair of Trustees – School-focused Family Therapy Charity (The School & Family Works) Twickenham 17/3/25 11/2/25 more
Board Member, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) - 1 x Generalist West Midlands 17/3/25 17/2/25 more
Board Member, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) – Finance Expert West Midlands 17/3/25 17/2/25 more
Board Member, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) - 1 x Vocational and Technical Qualifications Expert West Midlands 17/3/25 17/2/25 more
Nuclear Weapons Member – Defence Nuclear Safety Expert Committee London 17/3/25 17/2/25 more
Head of Individual Giving +
Trustee (Finance, Audit and Risk) for DCD (Dancers Career Development )
London 17/3/25 11/2/25 more
Judicial Vice Chair of the Parole Board London 18/3/25 18/1/25 more
Treasurer for Connect: North Korea  (V) London/Hybrid 13/3/25 13/2/25 more
Parole Board Psychiatrists x11 - recruitment campaign Various 19/3/25 19/2/25 more
British Tourist Authority Board Member Various 19/3/25 19/2/25 more
Director of Governance - Sparrow Shared Ownership London/Fexible 19/3/25 19/2/25 more
Committee members for Parkinson's UK  (V) Torrington 19/3/25 6/2/25 more
Local Government Boundary Commission for England - Commissioners Various 20/3/25 202/25 more
Windrush Commissioner Various 20/3/25 20/2/25 more
Trustee with Lived Experience of the Asylum System - Hope Projects  (V) Balsall Heath, West Midlands (On-site) 21/3/25 17/1/25 more
Chairman of the Board (Remote)African Development Choices  (V) Remote 22/3/25 22/2/25 more
Chair, Marine Management Organisation North East 24/3/25 22/2/25 more
Independent Panel Members for Case Progression Panels Various 24/3/25 24/225 more
Volunteer Application: AudioEditor (International Humanity Foundation)  (V) Remote 27/3/25 27/1/25 more
Volunteer Fundraising LeadCanterbury Food Bank CIO (V) Kent(Hybrid) 28/3/25 23/2/25 more
Legal TrusteeLittle Green Pig
Brighton 31/3/25 20/2/25 more
Trustees for Her Strength Our Voice  (V) Remote 31/3/25 11/2/25 more
Representative Officer – Geneva OfficeHELPING CHILDREN INC  (V) Geneva 31/3/25 31/1/25 more
Trustees - Crohn's & Colitis UK (V) Remote 31/3/25 22/2/25 more
NW Hearts Charity - Trustee with digital marketing expertise (V) Manchester/Hybrid 2/4/25 22/2/25 more
Finance Director - BRACE Dementia Research (V) Bristol/Hybrid 6/4/25 22/2/25 more
SecretaryThe Association of Dress Historians (V) Remote 9/4/25 9/2/25 more
Chair to the Board of Trustees - Florence Nightingale Museum (V) London 17/4/25 17/2/25 more
Gender Recognition Specialist Caseworker - Trans Legal Clinic (V) London 30/4/25 30/1/25 more
Chair of Board of Trustees and Trustee - Trafford Centre Foundation  (V) Manchester 30/4/25 30/1/2/5 more
Treasurer (Trustee)Pain Concern  (V) Remote 30/4/25 21/2/25 more
Trustee for Emerge Worldwide – Fighting Against Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking (V) Remote 30/4/25 30/1/25 more
Treasurer - CPRE Oxfordshire (V) Oxfordshire 30/4/25 11/2/25 more
Trustees - Slough Council for Voluntary Services (V) England/Hybrid 30/4/25 21/2/25 more
Events Coordinators (Volunteer) x3Camden Friends of the Earth  (V) London 4/5/25 3/2/25 more
ENVIRONMENT & WILDLIFE CONSERVATION OPPORTUNITIES - The Wildlife For All Trust  (V) Various 4/5/25 4/2/25 more
Honorary TreasurerEmmaus Leicestershire and Rutland (V) Leicestershire 4/5/25 4/2/25 more
Governance Officer - Roots Academy  (V) Remote 8/5/25 8/2/25 more
Volunteer Group Facilitator (UK BASED & MALE IDENTIFYING ONLY) - MEN WHO TALK  (V)
Remote 9/5/25 9/2/25 more
Charity Trustee -The Almshouse Association )V) Kettering 9/5/25 9/2/25 more
Trustee (Fundraising) - Rewriting Earth  (V) Remote 10/5/25 10/2/25 more
Trustee - Bounds Green Food Bank  (V)
Remote 11/525 11/2/25 more
Prison Volunteer - DorsetFine Cell Work  (V) Dorset 14/56/25 13/2/25 more
Charity Shop Manager - Swanage Pier Trust )V) Dorset 15/5/25 21/2/25 more
Social Media ManagerThe Abundant Woman (V)
Remote 15/5/25 11/2/25 more
Admissions Assistant - Museum of Brands  (V) London 16/5/25 16/2/25 more
Sussex Area Vice-Chair Ramblers (V) W Sussex 16/5/25 16/2/25 more
West Sussex Area Countryside Officer - Ramblers (V) W Sussex 16/5/25 16/2/25 more
East Sussex Area Countryside Officer - Ramblers  (V) Remote 16/5/25 16/2/25 more
Trustee for WORTH  (V) Remote 19/5/25 21/2/25 more
Fundraising TrusteeCity of Westminster Charitable Trust
London, Greater London (Hybrid) 23/5/25 23/2/25 more