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Will you , won’t you, will you, won’t you , will you join the dance?”     Lewis Carroll
Stately as a galleon, I sail across the floor,    Doing the Military Two Step , as in the days of yore.”                                                                                                                            Joyce Grenfell 
Who would have thought that a programme about pro-am dancing would become a television hit? But it did, so perhaps there is more interest in dancing than we thought !
http://www.bbc.co.uk/strictlycomedancing/   the BBC web site for Strictly come Dancing, which all the fuss is about
http://www.learntodance.com/    learn to dance on line
http://www.scottishdance.net/   a web site which will link you to all you want to know about Scottish Country dancing
http://www.minicrib.care4free.net/    a crib sheet to remind you what to do at your next Ceilidh
http://www.mainlymorrisdancing.org.uk/    a web site which will link you to all you want to know about Morris dancing
http://www.istd.org/about/index.html   The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, whose role is to educate the public in the art of dancing in all its forms through improving teaching standards,  qualifying teachers by exams, and publishing books and a magazine.