Making Friends
It was Dr Johnston who said that 'friendships should be kept in good repair', but as well as keeping in touch with old friends, there are always opportunities to make new ones, and retirement is as good a time as any to do this.
Lewis Wolpert, emeritus professor at University College London, has published a book on ageing (title: ‘You’re Looking Very Well’), and he is quoted in a Sunday Times article as saying of his research: ‘What emerges is that people in their teens and twenties tend to be averagely happy but this declines steadily until early middle age, probably linked to the responsibilities that come with managing a family and a career. But then from the mid-forties people tend to become ever more cheerful and optimistic, reaching a maximum in their late seventies or eighties.’
But it does depend on retaining good relations with other people. In the end it’s your friends and families that count the most!
Probus clubs. There are some 4000 Probus clubs (short for ‘professional’ and ‘business’) throughout the world, and they operate as independent non-profit making clubs for men who are retired or semi-retired. Typically, they meet on a regular basis for fellowship and conversation, often over lunch, and to hear from a speaker on a topic of current national or local interest.
For a list of Probus clubs in UK, see
Making Local Friendships
" Good Company bring together people who want to share time with older people in their area who’d like more company. Sharing company and experiences helps older people maintain a sense of independence and purpose.
Older people have rich life experiences, interesting stories and practical advice to share. Many, however, have very little contact with other people. This can be painful and lonely for them, and it is a missed opportunity for other local people to enjoy and benefit from time shared with an older person.
Looking for a new volunteer opportunity? If you’d like to learn more about the history of your local community, get a perspective from someone who’s lived a full life, or are looking for someone who can provide mutual support locally - Good Company could be right up your street. Contact them through their website."
See which is part of a website about maintaining and creating personal connections in later life. It offers information and ideas both to individuals and to those working with older people. is a community website for over 50s, whether retired aleady or just thinking about it. They would welcome you sharing your views on subjects from allotments to down-sizing, or whatever your particular interest may be.
Speed dating parties and internet dating have their place, but there is always room for making new friends through pursuing common interests. If you live in or near London, see for a wealth of ideas on activities and courses to interest you. Also, 'New Horizons' is a modern, lively, convivial centre in central London (Cadogan Street, Chelsea) where they run courses and classes for the over 50s in everything from crocheting to digital Christmas card design, and from belly dancing to history of art. See is a retirement fellowship for anyone (plus partners) who has worked in the NHS or for organisations servicing the NHS. It has nearly 200 branches throughout the UK to help and encourage members to pursue a wide range of interests and activities, at the same time providing many social events at which existing friendships are maintained and new ones formed.
If you would like to get together with people who share your interests, take a look at '38 degrees' is a site which brings you together with other prople to take action on issues that matter to you.
NEW make some new friends of a different generation and culture - invite adult international students to spend a day or week-end in your home see