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Observing The Criminal Law & Parlimentary Process

Until retiring I have always wanted to attend, as an observer, the gallery at some of the high profile criminal court cases at The Old Bailey. A retired friend does this and knows the ins and outs of getting in to high profile criminal court sessions. For example, he attended the Abu Hamza trials at The Old Bailey and found them to be fascinating. Some guidance on how and where to attend, where to find the court schedule of cases, and how to maximise your chances of getting a seat would be a helpful and interesting topic. The same applies for going to the Houses of Parliament to view some sessions of the Commons from the gallery.


How do you arrange this, where do you go, best times to arrive, etc. ?


There must be other events to observe that a retired person, for perhaps the first time in their lives, has the time to attend.


Ron Moss




How do you spot and get in on the most interesting/entertaining events?     Please give us your views.

Ron Moss, 18/02/2008