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           Oh, give me grace to catch a fish  

           So big that even I 

           When talking of it afterwards 

            May have no need to lie !       Anon



Angling is reputed to be the most popular sport in UK, although it may be necessary to qualify this by saying ‘outdoor  sport’ in order to exclude couch potato football watching .     The term ‘angling’ includes course fishing, and sea angling but normally excludes fly fishing and deep sea fishing .      Whilst angling sounds a solitary sport, there are many angling clubs and  competitions which  keep enthusiasts networking with their peer group.

 http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/recreation/fishing/31445.aspx    advice from the Environment agency on eco friendly fishing

http://www.fishandfly.com/   angling website of the year

http://www.gofishing.co.uk/     all the advice you need on where to fish

http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/    for getting the gear on line

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angling   for a fuller definition of different types of fishing

http://www.fishing-uk-scotland.com/  for advice on trout and salmon fishing in Scotland



Julian Nokes writes:

 Although the object of all angling must be to catch fish, the process of trying to attract a salmon, even if unsuccessful, is so relaxing that for me, the catch becomes almost incidental. However, there is no doubt that if and when a salmon does take your fly, the effect on the angler (and the fish too, I suppose) is electrifying.

Another attraction of salmon fishing, particularly in the North, is the beauty of the countryside in which salmon are alleged to lie. The salmon rivers Dee, Spey, Tay, Tweed etc. in Scotland tend to flow through pretty parts of that country. My favourite river though, purely on aesthetic grounds, is the Eden in Cumbria, at Lazonby. This is one of the most beautiful beats in Great Britain. The salmon clearly like it too because whenever I'm there, they seem determined not to leave! Catches for UK rivers are recorded monthly in 'Trout & Salmon'. http://www.gofishing.co.uk/troutandsalmon/ 

  For those seeking fishing opportunities abroad as well as in the UK, 'Where to Fish' is published annually by Thomas Harmsworth. http://www.scribblers.co.uk/ .      Also see www.wheretofish.co.uk