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Julian's blog of a struggling Screenplay writer

January 2007.    

 I have been writing a screenplay based on a historical character for the past few years! I fell into it because I could not persuade any proper screenwriter to do the job.It is structured as a tv docudrama in two one hour parts.

 I attended a couple of screenwriting courses (at City Lit) and am now in it up to my neck. I wrote what I considered to be the most interesting and crowd pleasing screenplay (all 98 pages) only to be told it lacked narrative drive. On re reading the thing, it does indeed lack narrative drive! So it's back to the drawing board.

Once a month I meet a few of my of my former student colleagues to discuss their work and occasionally mine. This has proved to be incredibly useful.

Most of my writing is done in the British Library where it is quiet and the facilities are excellent. Some of my research into the writing bit was done at the British Film Institute (bfi) Library, again an extremely useful source.

The whole experience has been really interesting and sure beats banking!