Relevant Web Sites
We list here links to some of the other web sites which are aimed at oldies:
A Compendium of Sites dealing with Jobs for people agd 50+
Gransnet. A new social networking site for grandparents to have their say .....and much more.
Grandparents Plus - a national charity which champions the wider family who care for children.
Published by the Taos Institute, this online newsletter focuses on the positive aspects of ageing, and 'empowers action' by oldies. Highly recommended. ....more
This is a site which explains how an Irish businessman managed his challenging transition from Company Director to active retiree. It has stories and essential information to help you plan the retirement that's right for you. ....more
a website about maintaining and creating personal connections in later life. It offers information and ideas both to individuals and to those working with older people.
http://www.retirementdirectory.co.uk/ an online retirement guide
http://www.inmyprime.info/index.html In My Prime - for mature prople re-thinking
their lives
a comprehensive US site for oldies