

How do we develop this Site?

We need volunteers to get involved …

It is a shame to let the experience, energy and enthusiasm of ‘oldies’ dwindle into couch potato senility. But we do need volunteers and participants to help us develop the site and particularly the interactive aspect so that it becomes a leading social networking site for wrinklies. Would you help us?


JW writes:

I have set out below some of the  sort of things I would like to find talked about on the Retirement Reinvented website  -  I think that the site does cover a number of these, but needs more input from users of the site to keep it topical.    Oldies of the world unite  -  get to your keyboard and give your views!

What to do to keep healthy

What to do to treat one's ailments

Eking out one's money

 Passing it on Helping one's kids

 Having a good whinge

 Not whinging too much

Avoiding going senile

Keeping up one's interests

 Finding time Keeping up with friends

 Keeping up with technology (especially making one's computer work)

Keeping up with one's grandchildren and their interests

Passing on any useful wisdom one may have.