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‘The tools I need for my work are paper, tobacco, food and a little whiskey’    William Faulkner
Writing is easy; all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead’      Lillian Hellman
'There's nothing as good as a handwritten note, 
   As everyone calls to find out what I wrote.'     Anon                                                                     
It is said that everyone has got one novel in them, so why not give writing it a go!  For the experiences  of a novice, see Hugh Cochran's 'A first foray into writing and publishing'.
www.bookbite.org.uk  a Government sponsored site to help you to get more out of writing  - writing tips, writing club, competitions etc.    A  retiree, Rosemary Gregory, has won Bookbite's prize for Funny Poetry   http://www.bookbite.org.uk/writing/writingcompetitions/9/1034/ 
http://www.bookmidwife.com/  For people who keep talking about writing a book but never get started, or have started writing and got stuck, or would like to learn more about how best to publish.  
http://www.writersworkshop.co.uk/index.asp advice to writers, screen-writers and poets, whether novices or not: free advice and constructive feedback
http://www.greatwriting.co.uk/        Great Writing - a creative writing community
https://www.writers-online.co.uk/   news about and for writers, with links to relevant sites
http://www.prizemagic.co.uk/html/writing_comps.htm current UK writing competitions 


There is also 'creative writing software '  -  need bit of help in structuring the plot ? -  maybe NewNovelist software will help you:  


www.bbcmotiongallery.com  if your into e-writing and want to include a video clip, there are thousands available here  -  mainly rights free.




www.authonomy.com    once you have written your masterpiece, how do you get it past the 'slush pile' in publishers back office ?   Harper Collins are providing  a way around this  -  post a sample of your work on this website (no charge) and let the viewers review it   -  Harper Collins will take a keen interest in the results, as they are doing this as a means of locating new talent. 


NEW   http://www.escargot-books.com/   Escargot is  'an author powered e-publishing company - an independent company dedicated to the artist and the art of writing'.   From their  new website where you can download books direct onto a kindle, i-Ipad or computer.   Maybe they can cut your publishing costs!



read Julian Nokes on ' King Lear of Suburbia'                        

                              and 'A Childs Guide to Swan Lake' 

                             and  'A Life on the Ocean Waves'

                             and  'The Huntsman'

                            and  'Skiing  -  the High Life'

                            and  'Seasonal News of the Family'


See also the topic page on Publishing